A Pseudo Spring

A woodpecker moves up and down the maple tree, pecking at a breakfast of–what? Tiny insects? My neighbor’s tulip tree is about to flower. Jonquils and hyacinths are blooming. It looks like spring is here early this year. But, wait! What’s this I hear about Tuesday night and Wednesday? Just so we don’t get too […]

Of Poe and Poetry

Sometimes, I think of them–those teachers who tried to instill a love of learning in the heads of high school students several decades ago. I remember many of them; in particular, the English teachers. Two teachers come to mind. Mrs. Duncan taught English to the third year students at Central High. She was a no-nonsense, […]

The Hope of Tomorrow

It had been an unsettling day, for some reason. No earthquakes or tornadoes or devastating news, but it seemed as if a spirit of evil or a spiteful sprite had been present. A prickling word here, a worrisome conversation there, an unsettled, fearful feeling of something just out of sight, something left un-done, something that […]

A New Start

I’ve never started any of my books with a prologue or flashback. I’m considering this for my work-in-progress. What do you think? The wind was wild that night, dashing spates of rain against the hardware store tucked between the grocery and bank. It hit the three men like cold, stinging needles as they stepped out […]

Backyard Birds

Poem about Backyard Birds Six squirrels, some robins, a rabbit or two— My backyard resembles a wildlife zoo. Snowbirds, titmice, cardinals, and doves— Lots of pretty feathered friends that everybody loves. But, wait! What is the matter with this pushing, scolding pair? Those rude and raucous bluejays are not inclined to share. The jays are […]

Once a Year?

  As I get older, it’s the small things that matter to me the most. As the song goes, Little Things Mean a Lot.  For a writer, it’s a treat to get a special Valentine from a happy reader. I remember the email I received from a fan of The Cemetery Club.  She enjoyed it […]