Wednesday Wanderings

Wednesday Wanderings

My Minneapolis niece sent me a link to a coffee recipe. It sounds delicious. Thanks, Missy. I’ll reprint the link here, in case any of you would like to try it: What could be better than a warm fireplace, a good book, and a cup of this coffee?

To my friends in the Southeast: please batten down the hatches and stay safe. From what I hear, there’s a monster of a winter storm bearing down on you. In another part of our country, a weather expert is predicting that Lake Superior will completely freeze over this year. The lake contains three quadrillion gallons of water. This is quite the winter. Another expert said that this extreme winter is following a weather pattern. The sun, ocean currents, all these things fluctuate, giving us warming trends and cooling trends. If this winter is any indication, I’d say the trend is pretty much in favor of cooling–really cooling–as in shockingly cold.


Here in my corner of the world, the temperature is 15 or so, but supposed to get warmer. Yesterday, much of the snow cover melted. The sun shone! A welcome sight. This is perfect weather for a gathering of friends who enjoy books, both reading and writing them. I’m looking forward to seeing the Cozy Critters today and discussing all things literary as well as several things which are not.

An Irish blessing: “Wishing you a rainbow for sunlight after showers–Miles and miles of Irish smiles for golden, happy hours–Shamrocks at your doorway for luck and laughter too, And a host of friends that never ends, Each day your whole life through.” (author unknown)



  1. You’re welcome! I hope the coffee is good and that you enjoy it!

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