A Warm Welcome on a Cold Day

A Warm Welcome on a Cold Day

What could be better than a warm welcome on a cold day? Fran used to hold monthly luncheons for women who enjoyed getting together for food, Fran’s friendly home, and lots of lively conversation. Last year, Fran and her husband moved out of state. We sorely miss her, but Robbie has taken over the monthly luncheons and, once more, we gather around a table in a lovely, welcoming home for a lively visit with friends. Thank you, Robbie!

Yesterday, the color red, hearts, good food, and happy chatter abounded. Salads, soup, baked beans, and desserts were also on the menu. Jane and I rode over together. Cozy Critter Peg was there. Some new faces (new to me) showed up, as well as several who frequented Fran’s luncheons.

As well as being a great hostess, Robbie is an artist. I always enjoy her paintings, both oil and watercolors, that brighten her walls.

I forgot to bring my camera, so Jane volunteered to be photographer. Thank you, Jane, for these wonderful pictures.

Groundhog Day was nippy, but nobody cared. Nothing brightens a gray February day like a happy get-together with friends to warm our hearts and, of course, the delicious meal was a happy bonus.


What do a missing pie, an epic flood, a ghost walk, and a crazed killer have in common? They are all in the fourth Darcy and Flora cozy mystery, Grave Heritage.



  1. Blanche, I just read this and am thoroughly blessed! Just as if I was there…which I was in spirit! So special to see all the faces! I thank God He is continuing to bring you all together! And thank you for your posting it here! Big hug for you!

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