The Pen Is Mightier Than the Sword

The Pen Is Mightier Than the Sword

Rain! Yellow leaves on the ground, the brown grass. The remnants of summer flowers are soaking it up, relishing the feel of water. It’s a perfect day for writing that third Ned McNeil cozy mystery. What would you do if you were ready to settle in for a snug time at home (like today or […]

Chilly Morning, Hot Coffee and Into the Day

Chilly Morning, Hot Coffee and Into the Day

The morning is chilly, almost cold. Is it really June? Sunlight tips the treetops and the day opens before me. What will I do with the gift of another perfect day? Thoughts of yet a third Ned McNeil cozy mystery keep running through my head. What can I do with these imaginary plots and characters except […]

Without a Song the Road Would Never Bend

Without a Song the Road Would Never Bend

Without a Song there ain’t no love at all. I love the words and the philosophy. When life is hard, when there seems to be no answer to problems, when nights are unending, we’d have no hope at all without the music of the soul. Hope, no matter how deeply it’s buried, that candle that is small and […]

Through My Art Gallery

Through My Art Gallery

What does a mystery writer do when she isn’t writing? Does she slip through darkened streets following clues? Does she listen in on conversations, waiting to hear a phrase or a question to incite the plot of a new book? Well, maybe. But if she really wants to relax and take a brief respite from […]

The Hope of Tomorrow

The Hope of Tomorrow

When night closes in, what would we do without the hope of tomorrow? Yesterday, I tucked another day away and put it in my box of memories. As the sun slid westward, people began returning home from work, the cardinal family came to the bird feeders for a bit of supper, and those busy squirrels, whose diet […]

The Intriguing Mystery of History

Old houses fascinate me. If they could talk, what stories they would tell of the people who have lived within their walls, of the good times and bad, of historic changes they’ve witnessed. Old houses are a part of history and I like to dig out the mysteries within them. For a time, quite a […]