
  Do you ever feel that change is happening in such a whirl that you want to reach out and grab today and tell changing times to slow down for a bit until you can catch your breath? Change–it happens all around us. Sometimes I feel as if I’m running and never catching up. Is […]

Puzzled as Puppies

Puzzled as Puppies

I was sitting on my deck this morning, watching yellow redbud leaves drift slowly down and I had a distinct urge to put those leaves back on the tree, saying, No, it’s not that time yet! I was reminded of the Little Golden Book, The Four Puppies. If you haven’t read that book, you’re missing […]

And, a Fond Farewell

  Out with the old, in with the new. I guess. But, wait  minute–didn’t August just get started? What happened to the month? Anyway, that’s what the calendar says, so enjoy this day, August 31. It won’t come again for another whole year. There’s definitely a hint of fall in the air. Mornings are cool, […]


What is it a sign of when I wake up with the old Mickey Mouse Club theme song running through my head? M-I-C-K-E-Y   M-O-U-S-E! Mickey Mouse (Donald Duck) Mickey Mouse (Donald Duck). Forever let us raise our banner high, high, higher! Etc. There’s more. Anyway, who knows the reason for pop-up memories? In my work-in-progress, […]

Happy Summer

Happy first day of summer and the longest day of the year. I sure hate to mention this disturbing fact but now the days will start getting a wee bit shorter and shorter until September and the first day of fall and then, on Saturday, September 23, the days and nights are equal. Next, you […]

So Long, February

So Long, February

The last day of February. Where did it go? Did it just melt away with ice and the snow? So, if March comes in like a lamb tomorrow, will it go out like a lion? Snow is forecast for Friday. Does that count as March coming in like a lion, then, hopefully, going out like […]