Sunday Morning All Around

Sunday Morning All Around

It’s a lovely, quiet Sunday morning in NW Arkansas. The sun highlights freshly washed greens in leaves and grass. I like trees and woodsy areas. That’s probably why Darcy Campbell and Flora Tucker live in a heavily forested part of NE Oklahoma called Levi. It’s in Ventris County. Darcy and Flora are basically country people although Darcy […]

Balm for the Soul

Balm for the Soul

Perhaps this balm is only for bees and butterflies and not for the soul at all but it does make me feel better just to look at it and know the insects enjoy it a bunch. When I first planted the bee balm, several years ago, it was only a small plant; it came in one of […]

Brave Critiquers, Wet Day

Brave Critiquers, Wet Day

Not rain nor snow nor tropical storm Bill can keep dedicated critiquers from their appointed times!  Jane and Peg braved the drippy weather yesterday and slogged through the rain to my front door. We missed Nancy and Helen but Helen sent word that she has had two more devotionals accepted by a periodical and Nancy had a […]