Balm for the Soul

Balm for the Soul

Perhaps this balm is only for bees and butterflies and not for the soul at all but it does make me feel better just to look at it and know the insects enjoy it a bunch. When I first planted the bee balm, several years ago, it was only a small plant; it came in one of those little plastic flower pots. Now, look at it! Tall stuff. And the bees love it.


So, knowing that bees love it, I tried to snap a picture of one. But bumblebees are elusive and somewhat shy when a camera is pointed at them. I’m just glad they don’t have short tempers and don’t seem to mind my being so close to them. This is the best I could do:


Take my word for it, that little yellow glob with wings is a bumblebee. I promise. The rose bush photo came out much better; however, there were no bees on it. Oh well, no matter. To me, a rose smells better than balm; to a bumblebee, I guess it doesn’t.


I began and ended my day with flowers. Yesterday morning, I planted marigolds among my impatiens, thinking that the impatiens might need body guards against marauding insects. It’s certain they need something because they are having a difficult time getting started this year. I also planted some forget-me-not seeds. They are such a lovely blue. And, I planted more rose moss (or is it moss rose?)

The weather is hot but then this is the good ol’ summertime.  Most summers are pretty warm in Oklahoma and Arkansas. And today, we are due to have rain. I’m sure my flowers, all of them, will love it!

By the way, if you haven’t yet read the first two chapters of my three Darcy and Flora cozies or Moonlight Can Be Murder, click on the “Samples” Tab on the landing page of this blog and they’ll pop right up.                                                                                                                                          ________________________________________


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