The Importance of Dad

The Importance of Dad

Joseph must have been a good man, but beyond that, God knew he would be the perfect earthly father for Jesus. Joseph was protective of Mary and her Son. He could have divorced her or “put her away privately” when she told him she was pregnant, but he did neither because he loved Mary. Scripture […]

Just Wait

There’s an old saying, If you don’t like the weather, just wait a bit and it’ll change. It has certainly done that! From being terribly dry to an inch of rain and from being hot to 43 degrees. One day, the air conditioner, the next, the furnace. I told my Minnesota family, who are visiting […]

Night at Etta

Night at Etta

Last night ended peacefully after an exciting end to Monday. At Etta Bend, a hundred years ago, it is a peaceful ending to a busy day. My grandfather, I called him Pappy, has come in from the fields. Ma Latty, my grandmother, has finished making supper, and the girls, Alice, Susie, and Georgia have washed […]



I’m delving into my ancestry and, let me tell you, it’s fun and it’s also eye-opening. Trying to find these people from whom I resulted is like trying to solve a mystery. Sometimes it takes a whole lot of sleuthing and it’s the sort of on-going mystery that doesn’t seem to have an end.  An […]

The Beauty of Brothers

The Beauty of Brothers

Today is the birthday of my oldest brother, Tracy. We laugh and call him the Emperor, the boss of the clan. It is also the birthday of my oldest nephew, Clint. In honor of this, I re-post an article I wrote a couple of years ago. My brothers and I often reminisce. Sadly, we don’t usually […]

Whispers From the Past

Delving into one’s ancestry is a fun and absorbing business. I’m finding out about ancestors from way, way back. Some of those finds are surprising. They are all fascinating. These people had stories and I, rooted in the present day, am listening, trying to hear what they had to say. They were from different parts […]