Sunshine in My Pocket

Sunshine in My Pocket

Have you ever wished you could carry an emergency supply of sunshine in your pocket? You know, just enough to brighten the day when the clouds come? Or, carry some happiness left over from another time, to overcome any wayward feelings of sadness?  This morning is a bright, sunshiny day. A little frost whitens roofs […]

Nemo Versus Squirrel

I’m a devoted watchdog, valiant and kind                                                                                                 […]

Dogs and Cats

Dogs and Cats

What do dogs and cats know that we don’t? If you have a pet, you’ve probably wondered, just as I have. Sometimes, Nemo’s ears will perk up and he’ll be on alert, looking toward the window or door. His wonderful senses, especially ears and nose clue him in to a lot that’s going on outside […]

Apple Picking Time

Apple Picking Time

In September, I begin to think about apples. At Manos Meadows, we had two apple trees. One was a dwarf Jonathan apple tree in the yard. Apples from this tree made delicious pies. Sometimes, I’d pick them before they got completely ripe, wash and core them, slice them, and put them and an adequate amount […]

Dogs, Flowers, Politics

Dogs, Flowers, Politics

I’ve had it with the news. Off it goes; off go those nasty Facebook posts that dim the sunshine in the day, and on to something that I enjoy–Nemo, flowers, coffee, fresh starts every morning. It’s a morning ritual that Nemo goes, first thing, to find his bone placed next to his tasty breakfast in […]



Thunder, lightning, pouring rain–not Nemo’s kind of weather, although I like it. My furry buddy likes smooth jazz. With smooth jazz playing and wearing his thunder shirt, he calmed down. I can only imagine what a storm seems like to him. He doesn’t understand it, just reacts to hearing the loud but unseen noise of […]