What Is That Song I Hear?

What Is That Song I Hear?

  As times change–fashions, cars, viewpoints, so does music. Music and rhythm are at the core of our very existence. Think about it–the rhythm of days and night, of seasons, the weather. Even the way we walk and talk has a certain rhythm and every voice has some sort of musical quality. I’ve read that […]

Moonlight Can Be MIghty Mysterious

Moonlight Can Be MIghty Mysterious

Snowlight from below, moonlight from above made a fairyland of the street, turning it into a silent, shimmering, unfamiliar place. It was like a pathway to tomorrow or, maybe, to yesterday, away from the mundane into the marvelous. I wouldn’t have been surprised to see an elf or a leprechaun dancing from tree shadow to […]

The Beauty that Surrounds Us

The Beauty that Surrounds Us

  Beauty surrounds us. Sometimes, we have to look for it; sometimes, it’s so obvious, we can’t miss it. But, many times we get so accustomed to seeing it, we pass right by without a thought. And that’s a shame. I’ve always found beautiful things in nature to be restful. And, let me tell you, […]