Sunshine in the Mailbox

Sunshine in the Mailbox

Nothing brings sunshine into a dark and cloudy day like knowing somebody thought about me in a kind way. Yesterday, a package arrived in my mailbox. Inside was a handmade table runner from my niece Missy Albrecht. It came all the way from Minnesota just to cheer me, I’m certain of it. Because she knows me so well, Missy made sure the runner depicts coffee and coffee mugs. It is reversible. I can’t decide which side I like better, can you? They are both so very pretty. It looks perfect on my hundred year old cherry wood table that once belonged to my mother, don’t you think?

Nemo made a trip to his groomer and, five hours later, came home looking dapper and dashing and quite a bit slimmer. He immediately lay down on the floor to relax with a good book. I took him to Matt and Dawn’s so the children could admire his new look. He didn’t get to go inside because, sad to say, Twitch the cat and Nemo are not the best of friends. In fact, Twitch’s tail bushed into something resembling a bottle brush when he peeked through the door and saw Nemo.

This Tuesday morning, while it’s still dark outside and the sun has yet to rise, I’m thinking about family and dear friends and how they, like Missy’s gift, brighten the day. Children grow up very quickly, leaving childhood and the family home behind as they strike out on new adventures. Friends move away and are no longer near enough to run over for a cup of coffee. Life changes, but one thing remains constant: love. No matter how many miles or years separate us, those we love are as near as our hearts and that is sunshine to brighten even the cloudiest day.



  1. Michelle Margaret Albrecht says

    I’m so glad you like it!

  2. Hi Blanche! That is a wonderful runner. Both sides are lovely but I do like those coffee cups. It’s true that a little gift, a call, or even a smile can make the day a lot brighter. I hope you are enjoying yours.

    • Blanche Manos says

      Thanks, Sharon. Yes, I agree,the coffee cups are really neat. It certainly was and is a day brightener.

  3. HI Blanche, what a lovely gift. I like both sides, but I really do prefer the one with the coffee cups. It’s so colorful and so dynamic, like your cozy mysteries.

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