The Sound of Rain and Coffee

The Sound of Rain and Coffee

Rain is a possibility today; coffee is a certainty. However, the two go together like a hat and gloves, like Abbott and Costello, like friends and a cozy fireside. What could be better than a rainy day, a small blaze in the fireplace, and a chat with friends?

My coffee maker I’d had for a few years gave out the other day. I’m not sure why, but it developed a leak. Anyway, I bought another one. It was hard to find the one I wanted–a simple one, not one of the fancy kinds costing several hundred dollars and not, by the way, one with a carafe or glass pot. Why? Because I am sure death to glass coffee pots. No, I wanted a coffee maker like my old one–I just hold my cup against the lever and hot, black coffee comes forth.

Finally, I found the perfect coffee maker and brought it home. It does just what it’s supposed to do. Only thing is, in my zeal to find a pot-less appliance, I forgot to check its height. Therefore, it won’t go under my cabinet. It’s too tall. Sigh.


Sometimes I yearn for simpler days, as when the coffee pot was aluminum and sat on top of a burner on the stove. As I remember, my mother had two different pots. One was a percolator (and I liked hearing the friendly little perk-a-perk and seeing coffee jump up into the glass thing on top.)  One was a dripolator. In that one, she poured the water into a container on top and it dripped through an aluminum filter with the coffee in it, to the pot on the bottom.

Coffee just makes the day go better. Sometimes, I go by Starbucks, or a neat, new coffee place in town that sells wonderful coffee, or by McDonald’s and order a hot caramel mocha with extra whipped cream. The people at McDonald’s are really nice and put my small mocha into a larger cup so they’ll have room for the whipped cream. They don’t charge extra, either.

Rain is a good way to start the day but coffee is essential. Whatever your forecast is, I hope you’ll start with a steaming cup of your favorite brew and ease into the morning. It’ll make the whole day better.



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