A Small Reminder From the Clouds

A Small Reminder From the Clouds

Yesterday, I got a small reminder that winter is still with us. As my sister-in-law Linda and I left the house, she looked up and said, “It’s snowing.” And, it was. The tiny flakes were hard to see but there they were. Dad would have said it was spittin’ snow. Anyway, it was a cold day, but that didn’t stop Linda and me from going out for lunch.

This is a nippy morning and definitely a fireplace day, but that’s great. Before long, I won’t need the fireplace and I’ll miss its cheerful warmth until next winter rolls around.

The Cozy Critters will be here today. Carolyn is bringing orange rolls. I can hardly wait! And Jane has written another poem and a story. I’m curious to know whether they woke her in the middle of the night and she rolled out of bed to capture them on paper before they disappeared. She has been known to miss lunch in favor of writing a story.

By the Fright of the Silvery Moon is farther along on its journey toward publication. My publisher, the cover artist and I finally decided on just the right spooky picture for the cover. We’ve been working on the wording for the teaser that will be in the back of the book and yesterday, the words clicked into place. Another step taken.

Why does weather play such an important part in each of my mysteries? Tornadoes, snow storms, floods; they are there, like the drumbeat that moves the mystery along. Fright is no different. Dark and stormy nights a-plenty happen with its pages.

This morning, cold sunlight peeks through the clouds. I don’t see a single flake of snow. The temperature, however, promises a nippy day, just right for coffee, fireplace, and a chat with friends. What could be cozier than that?


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