A New Old Gift

A New Old Gift

Although this is June, yesterday seemed like Christmas. My friend Fran sent a box of old books and piano music by way of mutual friends Susan and Rodney. I haven’t had a chance to delve deeply into the novels and recipe books yet, but I see dates like 1913 and 1940. One is a cookery book put out by Westinghouse. Anybody remember Westinghouse? They ceased operation in 1999 but were founded in 1886. That’s a long time to be making America’s appliances.

It’s amazing what treasures come in very small packages. Albert Brumley’s Book of Log Cabin Songs is a little songbook but it has 79 songs and I’ll enjoy each of them. It is dated 1944. One of the songs is Little Joe the Wrangler. All six verses. I couldn’t quite play this song yesterday because each time I did, I heard my dad singing it and couldn’t see the notes for the tears. This was one of those mournful cowboy songs he used to sing to us, a ballad that told a sad story.

Fran said she thought a cozy mystery writer should have The Beer Barrel Polka and that one I have played already. IMG_20150517_113414953Sprightly and energetic. Alexander’s Ragtime Band, Pennies From Heaven…oh, my goodness, what fun!

None of the books are new. They are like buried treasures, newly unearthed to me. They will provide hours of enjoyment for years to come. Thanks, Fran, for my new old gift.


  1. What a wonderful gift.

  2. Blanche, it gave me great joy to give you some things that have already given me joy for years! I think of your own words; “Just maybe this stuff will be meaningful to someone else and once again have a purpose!”
    There’s many memories tied to those old cherished books and music but, to use your own words again; “The memories I’ll keep!”
    I know we’re “kindred spirits” in that we wonder how many other people’s memories are tied to those beautifully worded/printed/illustrated musty old papers!
    I could only enjoy the sheets of music with my eyes but you’ll enjoy the proper way!
    If you have room, I might find more children’s books! : )
    Thank you for your post, it blesses me!

    • Thanks for your thoughts, Fran. Yes, we must be kindred spirits and I’ll so enjoy the books and music. I always have room for children’s books I’m so glad you enjoyed the post. It was all due to your kindness.

  3. An absolutely charming story, made me smile and brought back memories of a trunk full of books discovered in Grandma’s attic after she passed on. 🙂

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