How About Those Cockles of Your Heart?

How About Those Cockles of Your Heart?

What is it that warms the cockles of your heart, puts a spring in your step, a gleam in your eye and a sense of purpose in your life? What is your dream? Where did it go?

We all have something, some desire or hope or goal that keeps us reaching and trying and, when we fail, getting up and trying again. I’ve always wanted to be an author–not just any writer of books, but a good writer of books that sell well. So, I keep on keeping on. Sometimes, it is hard to shore up the enthusiasm, but where would I be without it? 

How about you? If there’s a fire deep within, maybe smoldering, maybe growing cold, fan those flames! Don’t keep putting off until someday what you could be starting today.


I read something the other day that I need to copy and put on my desk. “Don’t concentrate on the problem. Concentrate on the solution.” There is no perfect time for sitting down at the computer, getting out those paints and brushes, boarding that plane to a long-awaited vacation spot. Always, always, things will stand in your way–sometimes silly, inconsequential things like, “I’ll write that poem today but first, I must do these dishes and sweep the floor.” Or, larger, more substantial roadblocks may loom ahead of you. Whatever, keep pegging on. Grab hold of the moment, make the opportunity, and get started on your dream.

Don’t let anyone throw water on your goals or be a wet blanket, or tell you that you can’t. You can if you think you can. Sometimes, we don’t begin because we fear failure. But, failure comes only when we stop trying. If you have a dream, remember that “someday” never arrives. Today is the day to take the first step, reach out, and keep going toward that goal. You’ll find that life goes better when you do.

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