Here Am I

Here Am I

What should I do with my life, Lord? I’ve heard people pray that prayer over and over, agonizing on what God wants them to do. To me, it’s pretty simple but then, maybe I’m not looking deep enough, I just know that for me, I’ve found the answer. I know from reading the Bible that it’s God’s will for His creation to praise Him. Christians are to glorify God in all they say and do.

Missionaries and ministers have often repeated the Lord’s Great Commission, “Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature” (Mark 16:15). When I was much younger, that verse made me uncomfortable. I didn’t feel led to be a missionary or a preacher. Then, I heard a wise minister explain it this way: as you go through life, wherever you are, whatever you are doing, be a living example of Christ. Show others through your words and actions that God loves them.

Okay. I could do that.

But I think there is more. To my way of thinking, God equips each of us for certain jobs. And if He equips us, we know it because the particular ability or gift that He gives is the thing we want to do; it is what stirs our hearts. Some of us love to preach and are wonderful preachers. Some of us are gifted musicians or artists or teachers. To some of us, being a mom is what lights our life and believe me, there is no higher calling. And some of us are called to write.

My friend Nancy Kay Grace, a fellow Cozy Critiquer, is a gifted musician, speaker, and writer. In April her book, The Grace Impact will be published. I believe you will enjoy this book and be blessed by it as we in her critique group have been blessed. Nancy has many uplifting thoughts within the pages of her book. Here is one of my favorites, “One weekend a visiting choir came to my church, and it changed my life forever. I first experienced the grace impact through hearing a verse from the Bible. In the midst of their song, the words of 2 Corinthians 5:17 were spoken as an antiphonal chant with a catchy rhythm. ‘Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!’
Those words penetrated my mind and went straight to my heart. My soul stirred
with an awareness of God’s presence reaching out to me.”

What does God want you to do? Praise Him! My parents brought me up to believe if something is worth doing, it is worth doing well. When Mom taught me how to sweep floors or do dishes, she wouldn’t let me get away with a halfway job. I had to do the best I could. So, I practiced and got better at it until she was satisfied with the outcome. That’s what we should do with God’s gifts, practice them, shine them up, present them to Him polished into a shining offering. Praise Him with our abilities. After all, He was the One who gave them in the first place.




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