When Friends Get Together

When Friends Get Together

Yesterday, I attended Fran’s monthly luncheon. I should say right here that Fran is a lovely person whose luncheons are her means of reaching out to women and bringing us together to share good food, conversation, and most of all, friendship. She is blessed with the gift of hospitality. As I munched on salads and sipped coffee, I realized that five of us who are in the Cozy Critique group were also at the luncheon and another woman who was there expressed an interest in coming to our critique group.

Among other things, we talked about publishers, marketing, and our current writing projects. Another of Fran’s guests said she absolutely loves cozy mysteries so, of course, I told her how to acquire a copy of Grave Shift!

Writing, however, was not the only topic. Apples are getting ripe on someone else’s trees and will soon be ready to pick. Peg and I lamented the fact that we have to water our flowers often. From one place or another at Fran’s long table, I heard snatches of conversations affirming belief in God and trust that He would work out a certain problem.

On the way to and from the luncheon, Jane and I discussed story ideas. Has she thought of an ending for the children’s story she’s working on? Perhaps the Cozy Critiquers at our next session could give her some possibilities. I confessed that I had started several mysteries and hadn’t yet finished them. One is a mysterious romance and I seem to be mired at a certain point. Jane had a few thoughts on where that story should lead. Good ideas. Why hadn’t I thought of them?

I came away from the luncheon with the warm, relaxed feeling of having been with friends. I also realized that every woman there might not have been writing a story but every woman there had a story, was a story. Each of us faces conflicts in life and how we resolve those conflicts–well–that’s a story. Fran’s luncheons not only include food for the body but most importantly, they are food for this writer’s spirit.



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