First Day of Summer, a Cup of Coffee, and You

First Day of Summer, a Cup of Coffee, and You


My northern family is becoming immersed in Arkansas culture. We’ve been to three museums, to historic places, to fun places, and we have been On-the-Go. Yesterday was no exception. I am amazed at the ingenuity, courage, talent, and optimism of our ancestors and all the people who have gone before us. They have given us the wonderful gift of history–good or bad or beautiful or not, it is our history, and I’m grateful. The neat part about being a writer is that I can weave these events and people I’ve met into the fabric of a book I’m writing.

It’s always fun to explore the past with family or friends who love history too. Yesterday we enjoyed the sights of Ft. Smith, ate lunch in Van Buren, and stopped at spots of natural beauty in between there and home, just celebrating being together.

So, good morning! Have a cup of coffee with me and enjoy the first day of summer. Nature celebrated by sending us rain. My plants and grass are grateful.

My crepe myrtle is beginning to bloom. Each year, it blooms a little later. I don’t think I should have had it trimmed a couple of years ago. But, it was beginning to be as large as a small tree. I believe it likes to grow in wild profusion. It feels better that way.

The container garden in front is growing nicely and becoming lush with leaves and blooms. The hanging baskets in back stopped blooming. They weren’t getting enough sunshine. I moved them to my deck rail in the full sun and they love it. They are now covered with blooms.

It’s still dark this morning. We have a chance for more rain. The heat is on. It’s summertime. Let’s be grateful for all our blessings and enjoy the day, appreciating the past, but living in the moment.


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