When Days and Nights Are Equal (almost)

When Days and Nights Are Equal (almost)

It’s official–winter of 2013-14 is a thing of the past. We are free of the clutches of the cold, the wailing wintry winds, frostbit fingers, tingly toes–aren’t we? Well, maybe. At least, we’ve started a more benevolent season, if we ignore the threat of tornadoes that comes along with spring. One bit of folklore is that sometimes there is an equinox storm, so we’ll see if that holds true tonight. I have a mental picture of spring and winter in a wrestling match, hurling bolts of lightning to the earth, shaking the world with thunder and bending and breaking trees as they struggle. Then, tomorrow, believe it or not, spring gains a toe hold and the daylight hours will be a tiny bit longer than the darkness and so it will go until June 21, the longest day of the year. Ho-hum, you say. So what? Only to a weather watcher like me is it exciting!

To the farmer, weather can make or break a crop. Farmers of long ago, like my grandfather, Levi Latty, kept a close eye on it.  About this time, Ma Latty would be checking through her seeds and deciding on planting dates. The girls and Henry would think longingly of warmer days ahead when they could shed the flannel petticoats, long stockings, and shoes.  By the way, I distinctly recall my mother telling me that Ma always planted her gourd seeds in February, so if I plant gourd seeds this year, I’m about a month late.

I like weather and I am glad the Lord made four seasons. So, even though I won’t plant a large garden of vegetables or flowers, I’ll enjoy the gardens of those who do. As for the equinox storm–we’ll just have to wait and see whether it arrives. If it does, I hope that it is memorable for its needed rain, not vicious winds. The harvest I’m planning this spring has to do with writing and books, but it’s nice to look out of my window on the world at the lovely blooms of my neighbors. For the writer, inspiration springs up and blossoms with each lilac or rose.

I have a suggestion: pour a cup of hot, aromatic coffee, sit down by the fireside, and grab your favorite cozy mystery.  That’s an excellent way to welcome spring!

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