Crows and Jays

Crows and Jays

Ah, November. Ah, November rain! Yesterday morning’s rain was brief and the day turned mostly clear and chilly. This morning, however, the rain sounds like it means business. So, I started thinking about things having to do with November and fall and rain. I don’t notice it so much here in town but at Manos Meadows, crows and bluejays became more visible and audible in the fall. In fact, crows flew often over those grassy meadows while another lookout crow sat in the very top of an oak nearby. And bluejays, well, they, of course, loved teasing the crows and putting them on the run. These two birds, favorites of mine, were signposts of autumn. Never one to pass up a chance to post a poem, I found one that my friend Carol sent me. It always gives me a chuckle and I hope you enjoy it too. The author is unknown. I don’t know who to credit.

For Crows and Jays

I sing a song of thanks and praise

For cranky crows and feisty jays

Who could have lived a life of ease

Sailing on a southern breeze,

But gave up warm and sunny skies

To stay behind and criticize

November’s damp and bitter cold

With squawk and bellyache and scold.

May you be blessed with warm memories of past Novembers, a day filled with your favorite things, and a sense of humor to help you over the rough spots.


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