The Buzz About Bees

The Buzz About Bees

Yes, indeed, bees were one of the things we Cozy Critters discussed yesterday. Critiques are always a fun time and topics are far-ranging, but we actually do zero in on writing and books too.

Jane read us the continuing adventures of Murphy the Puddle Duck. We are encouraging her to put these stories into a book. Helen had another victory to report–yet another sale of an inspirational article, this time to The Secret Place. Peg reported on the latest Susan Wittig Albert book she is reading and Nancy confided that she is branching out into writing a blog for a piano teaching site. I read the latest chapter in Moonlight Can Be Murder: A woman dressed in black with her hair blowing wildly in the wind shows up at Ned’s door after Ned’s escape from a vicious dog and his owner. Ned wonders briefly if it’s the angel of death but it’s only Annabelle Decker.

For a couple of hours during these critique times, my house is filled with laughter, conversation, and the aroma of freshly-made coffee. When these four friends leave, the house seems strangely quiet. I’ll miss those cozy critters until the next time.

So, I guess in a way, we did have a thing or two in common with bees yesterday. The house buzzed with conversation and we were busy discussing the art, problems, headaches, and triumphs of writing. The bumblebees yesterday were busily going from bloom to bloom on my azalea bush and we were going from topic to topic, from one writing discussion to the next. Instead of gathering nectar, we gathered information, encouragement, and a few pointers. That’s enough to buzz about!

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  1. Nancy Kay Grace says

    It was a sweet time!

    • Blanche Manos says

      It sure was! I forgot that was another way we are like bees. My dining room buzzes with conversation and hums with creativity!

  2. helen hoover says

    Your description is so fun and accurate. I enjoyed it.

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