It Could Have Been Worse

It Could Have Been Worse

I’ve noticed of late that a certain phrase has become a standard part of my vocabulary. I used it this morning when I saw from the news report that last night’s blizzard in the Northeast,  although bad enough, was not quite as fierce as had been predicted. When I looked at last month’s gas bill, I comforted myself with the same phrase. A family member had a near escape from an aneurysm and definitely, those words rang true. “It could have been worse” I said in each instance. Only thing is, I’m wondering, is this an optimistic or a defeatist attitude? I’m going with optimistic.

Looking back at January now that the month is on the wane, it certainly could have been a worse month weather-wise. True, many of the days were gloomy, cloudy, cold, and damp but we didn’t experience a blizzard.

Comforting words, those. Looking in the mirror, I notice the gray hair and wrinkles and tell myself it could be worse. Thinking it through though,  I don’t want to invite disaster by uttering such a statement. In other words, I don’t want this phrase to challenge fate and some little unseen listening leprechaun to make sure circumstances become worse. Maybe I’d better re-think my reaction. Perhaps I should shelve “It could have been worse” and trade it in for, “Thank God for blessings.” That has a more positive ring to it, don’t you think?

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  1. I think I’ll do the same! Thanks

  2. Amen

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