Those Wonderful Feelings of Success

Those Wonderful Feelings of Success

It doesn’t take much to float my boat. Little things that don’t matter a rip to anyone else, really make my day. Seeing my son walk through my door gives me a lift (the same goes for my DIL and grands). Being with people who share my interests is a real picker-upper. Reading inspirational articles, tips by other writers on how to write better, a sparkling clean house, a good meal on the table, new dishcloths, all make me feel successful and, even though by no stretch of the imagination would anyone consider me rich, these things make me feel that way. And that’s what matters, isn’t it?

Recently, I successfully replaced a doorknob. Now how mundane is that? Yet, I took a screwdriver, looked at the nonsensical directions, threw them away, looked at other doorknobs in the house, and installed one on my closet door! Having an extra part and a couple of screws left over didn’t dampen my feeling of accomplishment one bit!

Today, the cozy critters will be coming. This group of friends and I will sit around my mother’s hundred-year-old table, sip coffee or tea, nibble on brownies or chocolate chip cookies, and discuss all things literary and a few things that are not. We’ll share successes and a few frustrations.  We may have a couple of critters new to the group. Now, if that doesn’t float my boat, make my day, and leave me feeling as rich as Croesus, I don’t know what does!

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  1. helen Hoover says

    You are a delight to be with.

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