What Do You Get When You Drop a Pumpkin?

What Do You Get When You Drop a Pumpkin?


Question: What do you get when you drop a pumpkin? Answer: Squash

No, that wasn’t an original with me, but I thought it was pretty clever. When the children were small, we’d take our pumpkins that had been sitting on the porch for a month and squash them against the back fence. This wasn’t being malicious; this was a scientific farming experiment. We’d also say a little rhyme that went something like this: Pumpkin, pumpkin, nice and round, down you go upon the ground. SPLAT! Then, we’d talk about how the seeds inside the pumpkin would grow into a pretty, green vine the next year, especially if we covered them with a bit of dirt. And, it was fun to watch in the spring to see if that happened. Sometimes, it did!

Last night, the change in temperature came in with a mighty roar of raindrops racing across the deck. It was loud! Nemo happened to be in his little house on the deck and when I opened the door, he gladly scampered inside, exchanging his house for mine. Yesterday was a balmy, beautiful blue-skied day but today is forecast to be pure fall–damp and chilly, all day and all night too.

The yard and flower garden are looking like fall. Yesterday, the bright leaves made the front yard seem to have a golden glow. It was a pleasure to walk around in it. Two tiny, brown sparrows scratched and pecked among the flowers. What were they finding? Small insects hidden away? Minute bits of seeds? Above them, a downy woodpecker scooted up the corner of the garage. Birds, as well as people, were enjoying the lovely light of autumn.

You know, of course, what the chilly temperature, the cold rain, and the dark skies are ready-made for? Cozy mysteries! Who knows–the day could turn out to be chilly enough for a blaze in the fireplace. Perfect weather for reading. As we say good-bye to October and turn toward November, who could ask for anything more?



Manos Mysteries

Mysteries with an Extra Shiver





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