Weather Predictions

As I stepped out on the deck this morning, I heard a frog singing away. Aha! A predictor of rain. Of course, the frog had a pretty good clue, as it was already sprinkling.

Do you like to look for weather predictors in nature or animals? Persimmons will soon be ripe. It’s best to wait until after frost if you want to know what they indicate. Split open the seed. A knife shape will mean a cold winter with probably ice and wind cutting like a knife. A spoon means lots of snow and a fork means a fairly mild winter. 

Other indicators are fun to look for: the middle stripe on a wooly caterpillar, the heaviness of the coat of farm animals or your dog, an abundant supply of acorns…the list goes on.

This morning is dark and damp and tomorrow there is a brief eclipse of the sun. Of course, if it’s cloudy, you might not notice it. When the world seems to be going crazy and horrific events threaten to overwhelm thoughts, it’s good to turn to nature and the mysteries of the seasons.


  1. I really hadn’t paid attention to what the animals predict. Can’t say I’ve checked a caterpillar for a prediction, since I don’t see too many of them. My dog, Buster does seem to get thicker hair, though, when it gets colder. Good thing he isn’t a shedder!

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