A Warm, Sunny Welcome to a Notorious Guest

A Warm, Sunny Welcome to a Notorious Guest

Happy first day of winter and a hearty welcome to a notorious guest. Today is the shortest day of the year, the longest night, the day when the sun begins heading north instead of south, and a spring-like day in NW Arkansas. It’s as if warm weather and autumn are having a final fling, a happy celebration in remembrance of summer that we can hang onto tomorrow. Because, tomorrow? Well, tomorrow is when winter is really due to arrive, just a day late, but making up for it with a blustery, frigid entrance. Today, our temps may top out in the high 60s. Tomorrow, cold rain that could turn to snow. In Oklahoma and Arkansas, we are not sliding gracefully from one season to the next. We are making an about-face and jumping into sudden change.


At Christmas (and every day) I think of my family. My immediate family and my extended family, nieces and nephews in Colorado, Texas, South Carolina, Minnesota, Oklahoma, Arkansas, and I hope for them peace and joy and good things. I remember when they were born; I watched them grow up, have families of their own. I’ve seen them, like branches on a tree, growing their own lives, having their own ideas and plans, but always a part of that sturdy trunk with roots that go deep into the eternal truths they were taught. I’m grateful for my son and his family; I’m grateful for the brothers, nephews, nieces, cousins, and those friends who are like family. Truly, they are special gifts from God. I’m grateful for those loved ones who are no longer here but will always be remembered.

This morning, as I look at my Christmas tree, with the softly glowing lights and cherished ornaments, I’m thankful for so many things. Everything good is from the hand of God. I pray that His peace and joy lives within our hearts not only in this season but throughout every day of the year.

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