Wandering, Fall-like Thoughts on a Chilly Morning

Wandering, Fall-like Thoughts on a Chilly Morning

It is chilly this morning! Temperature is only in the sixties. Some of the leaves are actually starting to change color. I read somewhere that it isn’t frost but amount of sunshine or the length of the day that causes them to change. Anyway, fall always reminds me of some of my favorite poems, this one from an old volume of Childcraft. It’s by Dixie Willson and it’s called, The Mist and All


I like the fall, the mist and all. I like the night owl’s lonely call–and wailing sound of wind around.                                                                                      I like the gray November day, and bare, dead boughs that coldly sway against the pane. I like the rain.                                                                              I like to sit and laugh and it, and tend my cozy fire a bit. I like the fall, the mist and all.   

Don’t you love it when you find a really great author has written a series? Well, I found a new one–at least, she’s new to me and I’m so glad I found her. Her name is Ann B. Ross and she writes the Miss Julie series. Her books are laugh-out-loud funny and also, just really riveting. Once I start one, I can do little else but read until I finish. And then, I want to read another. Thank you, Ann, for many hours of entertainment.

Speaking of the fall, when I drove to and from Tahlequah Saturday, it was a cloudy, wet day. I’m not sure why, but wild animals like that sort of weather. I was on the lookout for deer, because they are a hazard any time but especially this time of year and certainly in Cherokee county. I saw just the back end of a deer that had crossed the highway in front of me and was disappearing into the trees on the other side. I slowed the car because deer are clannish folk and like company when they cross something exciting like highways. But, either this one was a loner or he was just the straggler and the others had already crossed. I saw many squirrels. Squirrels teach us a valuable lesson: make up your mind! So many squirrels are flattened because they panic or just can’t decide which side of the road they’d prefer.

Those are my rambling and disconnected thoughts this morning. But, fall puts a spring in my step and a new interest in the things around me. Changing of seasons is a mystery, but it’s one of those nice, cozy ones, and I intend to enjoy it. How about you?

Manos Mysteries–Mysteries with an Extra Shiver





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