They Are Coming!

They Are Coming!

Today is the day they arrive. At one o’clock, or a few minutes before or after, in will come the Cozy Critters for a time of reading, critiquing, laughter, and sharing. And, perhaps a few tears. It happens. Critique days are special. If we have victories, we share them. If we have problems, we share them, and if we are encountering a fork in the road, we share that too. Encouragement is vital for a writer and there is plenty of that at the hundred-year old table.

Sometimes encouragement comes from unexpected sources and is a happy surprise, like the note I got from a fan on yesterday’s Facebook page. Thanks again, Denise.

Jane, Peg, Nancy, Judy, Helen and me; we come from different backgrounds and sometimes we have differing perspectives but these are good things. Horizons are broadened and any problem, once it is voiced and laid on the table, becomes less of a problem and more of a challenge. And, with these friends, a challenge is to be confronted, examined, and turned into a victory. That’s the beauty of our Cozy Critique.

October's Bright Blue Weather

               October’s Bright Blue Weather

Support groups are important, not only in real life but in cozy mysteries too. Darcy and Flora’s encouragers differ from those of Ned McNeil but they are there, within the pages of each book.




  1. Sounds like a wonderful time. Good cup of coffee, good friends and good talk sounds perfect. Sounds like you could be sitting with Darcy and Flora

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