The Tattered Cloak of Self Esteem

The Tattered Cloak of Self Esteem

Do you ever have a day or a week when you want to throw in the towel, look yourself in the mirror, and say, “So, what made you ever think you could be a writer?” (Or a pianist or a cook or an …anything?) Do you feel like a weed in the garden of life? Or maybe a plow horse in a stable full of thoroughbreds? In a crowd of ambitious people pursuing noble ideas and lofty goals, do your feet hurt from being stepped on?


IMG_0375Probably everyone in the world has felt like this at one time or another. Such feelings are common to most of us. But, what to do about them? I don’t like being down in the dumps. Although I may find myself there from time to time, I don’t want to live there.

Getting out in the fresh air, being around people, visiting with a friend all work for me in stopping feeling sorry for myself. I think people who work alone, such as writers, are more prone to negativity or more apt to forget that there’s a great big world out there filled with people who may need cheering more than I do. Doing something for someone else or even doing something nice for myself helps. I’m reminded that we all have problems and bad days come around for everyone.

I pull my cloak of self-esteem around my shoulders, tattered though it may be, and put one foot in front of the other. It’s time to quit feeling sorry for myself. It’s time to quit wallowing in regrets. So what if I’ve failed before? I’m convinced that behind every success there’s more than a few failures. Perhaps I can be a small light that will dissipate a tiny bit of darkness for somebody, somewhere. If I can, that is success.








  1. Carolyn Bayley says

    We all have “dumpy” days. I love the way you describe it though.

  2. And when you get down in the dumps about writing, remember you are a published author with 4 books already published and 2 more on the way! They’really all wonderful, by the way.p

  3. Deb Forbes says

    We all have those days but just remember you are loved by family, friends, readers and most of all God. You have touched a lot of people with all you do including your writing and you are a great published writer too. You are doing what God wants you to do so hang in there dear friend.

  4. From one “weed” to another one. Hang in there. You are valuable to God and others.

    • Blanche Manos says

      Thanks, Helen. You too. I’ve never thought of you as a weed; more of a rose, seems to me.

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