The Places I’ve Been

The Places I’ve Been

Books! And, the places they’ve taken me. I’ve always loved children’s books, especially at Christmas. Those three in the cover picture were read to many, many children through the years, starting with my son, then my kindergarteners, then my grandchildren. Books have taken me all over the world without even leaving town. And, the experiences I’ve had! I’m so excited about books that I can’t keep from sharing them with those around me.

I’ll tell you a little secret–I can’t resist buying children’s books at Christmas although the children in my life out-grew those books years ago. So, I look around for a child who needs a small book or who loves being read to and who would enjoy having one for Christmas. I found the little girl across the street. she likes books. So, this year she got Bear Stays Up for Christmas. 

And, because I couldn’t resist it, my family just may find a children’s book under the tree for them–it’s a funny book with bright illustrations. Why not? Books speak to the child within each of us. I think we may take turns reading it aloud on Christmas Day.

This is the first day of winter–the shortest, darkest day of the year. But, what a wonderful setting for reading! Just imagine it–a warm fire, a cheery light, a cup of hot chocolate and a favorite book–the best way to welcome a new season.

Speaking of books, a big Thank You to those who downloaded free copies of Moonlight Can Be Murder. Ned and her pals have gone to readers all over the world and she and I are excited about that!

Manos Mysteries

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