The Mystery of the Missing Centerpiece

The Mystery of the Missing Centerpiece

It’s a pretty Christmas centerpiece: large bowl, candle inside, greenery around. I like it a lot. But, three years ago, when I put away Christmas decorations after the big day, I did an especially good job putting this centerpiece in a safe place where the bowl wouldn’t get broken. The question is: where? I haven’t been able to find it since then. I have looked where all the other decorations are stored. Not there. I have looked for three years. Will I be able to find it this year? It’s looking doubtful.

The tree is up but not yet decorated. Advent candles are on the table and we did the first Advent reading yesterday. The Christmas wreath hangs outside the door and the birch log centerpiece from my brother in Minnesota is out, but no bowl table decoration. Where is it? Where can it be? I’ll institute another search today. Who knows? Maybe this’ll be the year it’ll return. The picture is from 2018.


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