And Then There Were Three

And Then There Were Three

Three was definitely not a crowd yesterday but we were in good company. Jane, Peg, and I sat around the hundred -year old table, munching chocolate chip cookies and swigging Folgers coffee. And, we talked. Critiqued? Yes. Visited? Yes, a lot! Peg shared with us two captivating cozy mysteries she recently read– Wedding Cake Crumbles […]

Portrait of Cozy Mystery Heroes and Their Readers

Portrait of Cozy Mystery Heroes and Their Readers

Readers of cozy mysteries come in all shapes and sizes. We have much in common, but we have major differences too. Most of us are women, but a few men like to read and even write cozies. Mostly, we are above the age of thirty, but some are younger. However, we all like a good mystery […]