My Meadow, Nature’s Canvas

My Meadow, Nature’s Canvas

When my husband, son and I lived in Oklahoma, our house had a  meadow in back. I named our home and acres Manos Meadows.  I loved that meadow. It was never the same from season to season. This is another feature story I did for The Tahlequah Daily Press, many years ago. Autumn moves through the meadow, […]

Parliamentary Procedure

Parliamentary Procedure

Yesterday a parliamentary contingent from Minnesota arrived in my mailbox. As I carried the box inside, I heard muffled hoots and mutterings. When I opened the box, out they flew–a parliament of the prettiest owls I’ve seen yet and I’ve seen a lot of owls. You can understand that at first they were a bit disoriented. […]

A Night Prowler

An excerpt from The Cemetery Club: Sleep vanished as a sound penetrated my consciousness. I sat bolt upright. What had awakened me? My bedroom curtain moved as a breeze blew through. Had the wind knocked something off my dresser? Throwing back the sheets, I padded to the window. The full moon lit the front yard, […]