From One Antique to Another

An antique is rare and priceless. It is “desirable because of its age, beauty, and rarity…” An antique represents a previous era in human society; it  is a link with the past. An antique has stood the test of time. It has weathered the storms, held onto life in spite of adversities, and refused to […]

The Unfriendly Woods

This is an excerpt from the latest Ned McNeil cozy, Murder By Moonlight. Usually, Ned enjoyed a walk through autumn woods, but today something went painfully wrong. I sang as I drove, windows rolled down. Ulysses didn’t object, so I took that as a sign of approval. My mind was on the events of the […]

A Feeling of Fear

What little sleep I got the rest of that fractured night came in snatches, punctuated by dreams of being chased by faceless intruders. By 5 a.m. I could no longer stand the nightmares. Dragging myself out of bed, I slipped into my jeans and a red T-shirt and staggered downstairs to plug in the old, […]

Exploration Gone Wrong

Exploration Gone Wrong

A couple of days ago, my post was on ancestry and the fun of exploring people of the past.  I’m blessed that my mother told me stories of her childhood that gave us a glimpse at the life of a young girl in rural Oklahoma in the early twentieth century. As another school year is […]

Never Trust It–Not For a Minute!

    Hey, good morning, all you cozy mystery fans and happy birth month all you July people!! Don’t you feel special today? This is your month to shine and how could you do otherwise with none other than that lovely ruby as your birthstone? Not only one flower for you, but two–the lily and […]


What would we do without hope? It’s more than a wish–it’s a yearning and a belief that somewhere, out in the future, things will get better. Hope rises with the sun each morning, but it doesn’t set as the sun sinks westward. Hope lives on, through even the darkest night. As the sun slid westward […]