The Mystery of the Murky Bog

The Mystery of the Murky Bog

Mallory sank down on a rock, trying to catch her breath. The night was so dark she could not see a foot in front of her. Wispy tendrils of fog, like bony, white fingers curled around leaning headstones . Far, far below her, the Irish Sea pounded relentlessly against the coast. She had no idea where she was […]

Planned That Way

Planned That Way

Yesterday, signs of spring abounded. So, armed with my camera, I captured a few, a robin on the hunt for a worm, a newly-opened clump of crocus. Then, there was my favorite sign of spring, being outside with Sara and Nathan. We had some wild games of hide and seek but they were worth a […]

Loaded Down

Loaded Down

The Lord is sending us the blessing of rain. Weather lore or not, I think this is highly unusual for the month of July. Like the song, There Shall Be Showers of Blessing, we are getting those showers in abundance. The flowers and limbs of trees are bowing their heads under the weight of water. Which reminds […]