Azaleas in the Rain

Azaleas in the Rain

A Sudden Shower There’s a scurry in the garden,There’s a rustle through the plants; There’s a scamper, scoot and scuttle Made by bustling bugs and ants The mushroom’s an umbrella For a cabbage butterfly And the pumpkin vine’s a shelter For a cricket hopping by. Then a rush of racing raindrops patter, splatter in the […]

And the Gift Grows On

Yesterday my family finished the container garden by putting potting soil in large pots and being sure the plants were centered. The plants seem to like their new home as they look out at a sun and shade dappled world this morning. Already the garden has given aid to a small, weary traveler…well, actually, the […]

The Gift of a Garden

Growing older involves lots of changes. Children become best friends and mentors. Amazingly beautiful, brilliant people known as grandchildren make one’s acquaintance and if you’re really lucky, you get a daughter-in-law who builds her mother-in-law a container garden. The view out my living room window has changed since yesterday. Large flower pots sporting blooming plants, […]