In the Face of Danger

In the Face of Danger

A cool wind stirs the leaves on the maple. The leaves are, one by one and in bunches, turning to gold and orange. With a lot of green mixed it, the tree is really beautiful. We need rain, but not as badly as the people in Colorado and California and other states, particularly in the […]

A Light in the Lighthouse

A Light in the Lighthouse

Lighthouses have always fascinated me. I’ve never viewed one up close but some day, I’d like to. It would be interesting to purposely set out to tour American lighthouses, especially those on the east coast. You won’t find lighthouses in calm waters or tucked securely away from the danger of storms. Lighthouses stand in precarious, […]

The Miracle at the Jordan

The Miracle at the Jordan

The Israelites were in a pickle. Their great leader, Moses, was dead. Joshua was now at their helm. (Joshua 3:1-17).  The Israelites left their camp at Acacia and were met by the Jordan River. And it was in flood stage. How in the world were they going to get across? Would they ever reach the […]

A Tribute to Dad

Today is Father’s Day, a day to celebrate all the dads out there. Happy Father’s Day to my son, Matt Manos, who is a super father. Just ask his children. I think of my father every day but on this day, there is a particular vacancy, because Dad isn’t here and I can’t hear him sing […]

When Whippoorwills Call

When Whippoorwills Call

It is cold this morning! Cold, dark, and wet. May is nearly half gone. Shouldn’t we have warm weather? My brother tells me that whippoorwills are calling now. He lives near a wooded area and hears these nighttime, springtime birds. It’s Whippoorwill Winter. I might have known. My maple tree, just outside my window, is […]

Out of the Blue

Out of the Blue

Hope–that small word that keeps us going when things get rough. These are days like we’ve never seen before and sometimes, hope is hard to come by. But, just when we need it most, help comes.  I love the Bible stories of encouragement and one of my favorites is found in II Samuel 9, the […]