Why This Friday Is Good

Why This Friday Is Good

  I’ve often wondered why the Friday before Easter is called “Good”. Perhaps it is because it was good for mankind that God’s plan of Salvation was completed as Christ died on the cross that day. But in actuality it was a most horrific day, a day of intense suffering by One who was absolutely […]

Easter Sunday

Easter Sunday

He is risen! He is risen indeed.

A Fearful, Agonizing Day Called Good Friday

A Fearful, Agonizing Day Called Good Friday

I think Good Friday is misnamed. How could the day that the Lord Jesus died have been called anything but horrible, heart-breaking, anguished? An explanation is that it was once called “God’s Friday” but through translation, was interpreted as Good Friday. We think of it as good because, even though it was the day the Lord was crucified, it was […]

Easter Morning and the Easter Egg Tree

Easter Morning and the Easter Egg Tree

The following story is an excerpt from The Heritage of Etta Bend, a story my mother told me about her childhood in northeast Oklahoma. The “I” is my mother, Susie Latty Day. I thought it was appropriate for this Easter, 102 years after it happened. Mom told me this story and I wrote it to […]

Happy Easter!

Happy Easter!

Can you imagine the joy of the Lord’s followers on that first Easter morning? The stone had been rolled away. The tomb was empty. Death could not hold the Son of God. He is risen. He is risen indeed! Because of Easter, hope stirs within us and our spirits open to the magnificence of new life. Because […]

What Was Good About It?

What Was Good About It?

I think Good Friday is misnamed. How could the day that the Lord Jesus died have been called anything but horrible, heart-breaking, anguished? An explanation is that it was once called “God’s Friday” but through translation, was interpreted as Good Friday. We might think of it as good because, even though it was the day the Lord was crucified, it […]