Those Cozy Critters!

Those Cozy Critters!

It would be hard to over-state how much I appreciate the ladies who meet at my house twice a month to listen, learn, laugh, and help each other sharpen our writing skills. We missed Nancy and hope her grandbaby is soon well. The news around the hundred-year old table went like this: Peg is reading […]

Windy Wednesday Wanderings

Windy Wednesday Wanderings

Changeable March Unbridled, unsaddled, unfettered, and free Thundering through the sky, Shaking and waking each slumbering tree, March comes galloping by. For one moment, stormy, the next moment still, Basking in morning sun, Fractious, then gentle, he changes until Spring has truly begun.                         […]

One Mountain Climbed, Now Onward…

One Mountain Climbed, Now Onward…

Such an odd daylight this morning, sort of a yellowish glow. The sun is not yet up but darkness took its leave before I could reach my computer. This is the time when the world seems hushed, not fully awake. Not a leaf stirs on the trees and only a couple of neighbors have passed […]