Sunday Morning Meanderings

Is any day quieter than an early Sunday morning? Even the trees are still. The only thing moving on my street is a white cat who saw something interesting and crossed over the curb. Are squirrels late sleepers? I don’t know. I haven’t ever seen any until well after daylight. They should have plenty of acorns this fall to help them through the winter. Nuts must be an energy food because when the squirrels go galloping across my roof, they sound like a herd of elephants. Squirrels, acorns, leaves changing to their autumn clothes. Fall must really be here but I, like someone left behind in a race, look around and wonder where summer went.

This is the Lord’s Day, a day to gather together and worship our Lord and Savior Jesus. I am thankful for the freedom to worship in this great land of ours. Judging from history and present day news accounts, many people do not have this freedom and worship at their own peril. In reading a Bible passage a few days ago, I read about the daughters of Zelophehad. Somehow, I don’t remember them but they are mentioned in the Book of Numbers. Zelophehad died without leaving any sons and his five girls appeared before Moses and the assembly to ask that they be allowed to inherit their father’s land. Now, I’m thinking that they had a lot of courage because in that day and time, it seems that land was inherited by sons, not daughters. However, the Lord told Moses that the women were correct and they should share Zelophehad’s lands. Sometimes in Scripture, there is a small story which is usually overlooked in sermons or books but I like to read about these people who are mentioned briefly. I wonder about them too and would like to know more. These characters who appear briefly and then disappear are somewhat of a mystery, and, you know, of course, that anyone or anything mysterious appeals to me.

The sun is beginning to tip the treetops now and I can see that many leaves seemed to have turned orange overnight. Nature, in its cycles and beauty, appears to worship the King which is what we should do every day in the way we live our lives.

Thought for the day: I wonder if we made worship the center of each day, if all the problems and questions we encounter would somehow be answered.

Edna Latty's New Testament




  1. The problems would be much easier to “work through” with worship as the center of our day.

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