She Battles the Buttercups

She Battles the Buttercups

Carolyn loves her farm, but she does not love the buttercups that grow in wild profusion in her pasture. Why? They crowd out the grass and the cows don’t like those tiny yellow flowers that glisten in the sun like freshly churned butter. So, in order for the cows to have nice, nutritious blades of grass to crunch, the buttercups have got to go. Question is: how? They are just about as tenacious as ants and I know a thing or two about how hard it is to get rid of ants.

However, Carolyn the artist and writer does not let a problem get her down. She continues creating beauty with poems, pictures, and a baby afghan she’s knitting for a new arrival.  Her latest poems are Easter Morning and Work Boots, a poem that goes with an oil painting she did of a pair of boots.

Peg recently attended a beautiful wedding of a family member. She brought pictures to show of this unique and lovely ceremony.

Peg always finds time to read. She is reading Caramel Crush, one of the Cupcake cozy mystery series by Jenn McKinlay. She also enjoys the Library Lovers Mystery series by the same author.

Nancy, author of The Grace Impact, is looking forward to teaching a blogging workshop in Omaha the last of this month. She and Rick recently returned from a birthday trip to Little Rock.

We missed Cozy Critter Jane who is laid up with a mean case of allergies. I have every confidence that she will soon vanquish those ugly little allergens which are causing many people a lot of problems this time of year, and will be back with us in our next cozy critique.

Yesterday was my mother’s birthday. I wrote about her in my blog post last year. She was an amazing woman and the inspiration for the Flora character in the Darcy and Flora cozy mysteries. I think she would have enjoyed reading them as well as the Ned McNeil books. If she were here, she’d be eagerly awaiting the launch of my sixth mystery, By the Fright of the Silvery Moon. 

Although I don’t do battle with buttercups, I do have to fight such things as writer’s block, frustration, and that mystery in itself, marketing. However, armed with determination and high hopes, I forge ahead. As my publisher is fond of saying, “Onward!”

Manos Meadows Mysteries
Cozies with an Extra Shiver

Books by Blanche Day Manos:

The Cemetery Club

Grave Shift

Best Left Buried

Grave Heritage

Moonlight Can Be Murder

By the Fright of the Silvery Moon


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