September’s Song

September’s Song

The melody of autumn is played on muted strings,

A symphony of wind and trees, the song September sings.

The rhythm of the autumn rain is somnolent and slow;

From softened skies, a lullaby in summer’s afterglow.

–Blanche Day Manos

September is that, isn’t it…summer’s afterglow? Each spring, leaves, flowers, grass are bursting with new energy and the release from winter but when summer ends and fall is just around the corner, there’s a different look and a different feel. 100_2683The container garden is still luxuriant and full but it won’t be growing nearly as quickly as it was. The grass doesn’t need to be cut as often. This morning, the sky is dark and lowering and there’s a hint of coming rain.

It is the first day of a brand new month, a fall month. One season is nearing its end; another is just around the corner but each has its unique beauty. It’s like that with life, isn’t it? We pass through many seasons with lots of changes along the way. I’m reminded of those changes each day. Children grow up; no longer is hunting for acorns and playing silly games like “Mean Mop” any fun. Interests are branching out. The world and exciting adventures await, not only for children but for us adults too.

I hope your September starts great and ends the same way with many blessings in between. I can hardly wait to see the happy surprises in summer’s afterglow.

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  1. I feel blessed to have had the opportunity to spend autumn in many parts of the world, but when leaves begin to fall, my thoughts return to Windsor Great Park, England. Parents turned a blind eye when children covered each other with a Persian carpet of color. The mighty English oak reigned supreme, leaves whirled in every hue, a cascade of beauty that brought smiles and comments from the most conservative British subjects.

    Here, in Missouri, I was reminded of autumn’s approach while walking under walnut trees in the garden. A sudden gust of wind blew not only leaves off the trees, but also large walnuts, a couple of which bounced painfully on my head.

  2. Thank you for writing, Josephine. You write beautifully and paint lovely word pictures. You are blessed to have spent autumn in many different places.

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