Sauntering Into Saturday

Sauntering Into Saturday

So still and dark this Saturday morning. The newly-minted leaves on the maple stir ever so slightly as a vagrant breeze whispers through. Dark clouds peer ominously through tree branches, obviously trying to decide whether to gather forces and shower us with more rain.

Last night, my friend Nancy Kay Grace kicked off the publication of her new book, The Grace Impact, with a launch party. The day before that, she had a book signing at Fran’s and today she will be at a local coffee shop to sign books. The book is available  this morning for its debut on Amazon! I hope you will buy a copy. It’s great inspiration as well as a Bible study. And write a review. We authors really covet those reviews. They are more important than you might think.

I’m reading a well-written book by Molly McRae, Plagued By Quilt. If you are into mysteries, this is a good one to buy.

My brother Tracy stopped in a couple of nights ago on his way to visit my other brother Richard. It’s nice to chat with family about events and people that only a brother or sister would know.

Which reminds me of something entirely unrelated, or–well, maybe it is. Many years ago, our hometown paper ran a section about news in the neighborhood. It’s fun to look back now and see “News from Etta” and find out that somebody visited the Latty family on a certain date or one of the Latty girls did thus and so. I don’t think newspapers run articles like that any more. Not enough space, I guess. Personally, I like that chatty, informal style.

The clouds have lowered as I’ve written. The maple’s leaves stir restlessly. Has the wind whispered a secret about a coming thunderstorm? Rain would be nice. Violent weather I am not fond of! But, ready or not, I heard thunder!


My three cozy mysteries are available at

Remember that I have an author Facebook page now. I’d love for you to visit and click “like” if you haven’t already. If you have, thank you!!

And, reading the first two chapters of any of my four mysteries is an option. Just click the Samples button on this blog site.



  1. Debbie Price says

    Glad you were able to spend time with your brother. I hope you have a wonderful weekend!

  2. Blanche Manos says

    Thank you for your good wishes, Deb. I hope you have a great weekend too!

  3. Loved the description of the dreary Saturday morning. Thanks, Blanche, for sharing about The Grace Impact! Glad you had a good visit with your brother.

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