Put Your Feet Up and Take a Few Cozy Mysteries

Put Your Feet Up and Take a Few Cozy Mysteries

When you need a break from reality and the winter doldrums threaten, grab a cup of coffee, sit down, put your feet up, and take a large helping of cozy mysteries. They’ll whisk you away to another reality found within the pages of a fascinating book.

Cozies come in all shapes, sizes, and flavors. Some are dark, some are light-hearted, and some have a bit of both. It’s fun to try to decide on who’s the bad guy or gal before the end of the book.

Some of us like a print book that gives us the comfort and feel of holding it in our hands and adding it to the book shelf. All  six of the Manos Meadows Mysteries come in print from my publisher, from Amazon, from Barnes and Noble, and other book sellers.  And, here’s the fun thing: if you prefer immediate relief from the winter blahs, they are all available in ebook form from the same people. If you want to take Darcy and Flora with you as you drive, you can do that too because you can download them in audio form.

As an extra bonus, you can try before you buy. Listen to a sample or read a sample. Go to Amazon and check it out. Whatever you do, don’t let the winter doldrums rob you of your smile. Relief is only a click or two away. Have fun!


If you or your children or grandchildren enjoy legends, check out these books by my cousin, Brad Wagnon: The Land of the Great Turtles and How the World Was Made. I think you will enjoy these Cherokee tales.


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