Presenting Guest Author, Ann Gabhart

Presenting Guest Author, Ann Gabhart

Sometimes an author comes along whose books speak to me so directly, that I feel as if I’m there within the pages. I’m honored to present as my guest this morning, Ann Gabhart. I know you will enjoy reading about Ann and her books and how they came to be. Her Hidden Springs mysteries are the kind that readers want to go on forever, as we get to know and love the people who live there.

Small Town Murder and Mayhem by Ann H. Gabhart

Books are wondrous things full of words that magically make stories spring to life in your imagination. I discovered that as a young reader making weekly trips to the library. While I would read nearly anything, I give credit to the Hardy Boy Mysteries for enticing me into the writing world. At the age of ten, I wanted to solve a mystery like the Hardy Boys. So I wrote a mystery starring myself. A cuter, smarter, much less shy me, but through the enchantment of words, I made that happen.

While I outgrew that idea and never solved that mystery, I kept writing. Surprisingly enough, I published thirty plus books in various genres before I had a book labeled mystery. Mystery threads ran through many of my previous stories but until the Hidden Springs Mysteries, nobody ever pointed at one of my book and said “try this mystery.”

My stories often have small town settings modeled on my own Kentucky hometown. So when I needed a place for murder to happen, I renamed my little town Hidden Springs, a peaceful place until Miss Willadean Dearmon stumbled across a body on the courthouse steps. That’s how Murder at the Courthouse begins. More mayhem follows as the citizens of Hidden Springs learn bad things can and do happen everywhere and that things are not always as they seem.

Murder Comes by Mail and Murder Is No Accident follow with more mysterious deaths in Hidden Springs. Fortunately, before all these murders came to call, my main character, Michael Keene, returned to his hometown, Hidden Springs to be their deputy sheriff. Michael was looking for peace but when murder happens, he’s the right man for the task of restoring peace to his town.  

My Hidden Springs Mysteries have cats on the covers, a handsome hero and some eccentric small town characters on the pages with murders happening and even a little romance sprinkled in. So yes, now I can finally say, “Try these mysteries!


ANN H. GABHART, the bestselling author of over thirty novels, has been called a storyteller. That’s not a bad thing for somebody who grew up dreaming of being a writer. Ann’s historical novels have Kentucky backgrounds like her popular Shaker series and her new release, These Healing Hills set in the Kentucky Appalachian Mountains. She also writes about family life, love and sometimes mystery (as A.H. Gabhart) in small towns like her Kentucky hometown. She and her husband have three children and nine grandchildren and enjoy life out on the farm. To find out more about Ann’s books and to check out her blog, One Writer’s Journal, visit You can also join in the conversation on her Facebook page, or Twitter @AnnHGabhart.

Ann Gabhart


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