Perk Up The Day

Perk Up The Day

The other night, I dreamed that a dear friend had begun writing cozy mysteries. They were interesting! They were selling like hotcakes. The dream was quite clear. This morning, I’ll share that bit of news with her. How about you? Do you have some ideas that would sound great in a book? Remember that today is the day to start.

If your day is dark and drippy or too cold to get outdoors, and you are wondering what in the world you can do to improve things, here is a suggestion: scoot your chair a little closer to the lamp, pour a cup of coffee or tea, open your favorite cozy mystery and, like magic, you’ll enter a world of good friends and a puzzle that seems impossible to solve. But, it isn’t. Like most things, there’s an answer and it’s there, if we look for it.

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