A Perfect Summer Day

An interesting discovery this morning: the musical note of the mourning dove I heard in the backyard is C. Wondering just what it was, I checked it out on the piano. Do all doves call in C? I don’t even want to find out!

Speaking of birds, there were at least two tiny and featherless tragedies of the wind that moved through the area Wednesday. I found the baby birds on the ground. It’s a sad fact that after all the parents’ work of building the nest, sitting on the eggs to hatch them, and spending hours feeding their offspring,  they would meet untimely deaths. I imagine there were many more of these in the path of the storm. Birds and other wildlife have a hard time just surviving the elements. Throw in people-made hindrances to their existence and it’s a wonder that we have any birds at all to brighten the day.

I breakfasted with my grandchildren yesterday, a perfect way to begin the day! Even with all the problems seething in this Nation and the world, it is impossible to be gloomy around those two. A young person’s outlook on life is straightforward and uncluttered. And, if you want an honest opinion, ask a youngster!

Yesterday was another potpourri day: a little of this and some of that. Breakfast date, exercise, typing on MCBM, and painting a loon on a gourd. I planned to use acrylics when painting the loon, but it seemed to call for water colors. The only problem now is that when I spray the gourd with clear varnish, I’ll have to be sure I hold the spray can far enough away so that the water colors don’t run. I’ll take a picture and post it when it’s finished.

So, today is Saturday, another weekend upon us. It is hard to believe how fast I go from one Saturday to the next. The five days in between pass far too quickly. But, here it is and I listen to the dove announce the day in the key of C. Mr. Gray and friend sit atop my mailbox posts, looking hopefully toward his food dish. I have a gourd to finish and a book to complete. A perfect summer day!

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