October’s Sun

October’s Sun

Sunlight warms the old railroad ties that hold up my mailbox. One of these days, those strong, square pieces of wood will tumble down, and they look pretty disreputable now, but I like them. They are weathered and rugged, they’ve had an interesting past, and even though their original usefulness is gone, they still have a job to do. Mr. Gray used to sit there when he came to visit, staring at the window until I put his bowl of food on the porch.

Memories of other Octobers linger–my grandchildren raking leaves into a pile, jumping inside and disappearing. A little voice would come from the depths, “Can you see me, Mem?” Of course, success was when I couldn’t see them at all, but knew they were there because the leaves wiggled.

I hope your October is a good month and remember, November is coming! Gather in the firewood! Be sure your kerosene lamps have trimmed wicks and clean globes. Keep that basket of cozy mysteries close at hand. And, may blessings fall on you as rich and golden as the autumn leaves.

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