The Mysterious, Amazing Moon

The Mysterious, Amazing Moon

The older I get, the more I appreciate the small, quiet things of life. Yesterday, I made a small, quiet discovery. I know that homemade chicken vegetable soup is good for me but I’ve never been a particular fan. It is, however, an excellent way to use leftovers. It being a cold, dark return-of-winter type of day, I thought chicken soup would be appropriate. The fireplace was blazing, the soup, simmering. When Tracy and Carlene stopped in on their way to Tahlequah, I served up the hot chicken vegetable soup, along with coffee and cookies and, you know what? It was delicious. My discovery was that things (like soup) just simply taste better when shared with company.

The moon, shining into my window through the limbs of the white mulberry tree, is beautiful on this cold, clear April morning. No, I missed the eclipse and didn’t see its red color but Dawn saw it. I’m sure it was awe-inspiring. Are the blood moons portents of things to come? Many people think so. Is it a way for God to warn the whole world, at the same time, that He is not happy with the actions of mankind and we should look up and obey the Creator’s laws? I don’t know but I think we should seriously consider.

The serene, silvery moon this morning reminds me of another heavenly portent about two thousand years ago. Wise men looked into the sky and saw a star. They followed the star and found a Child. I’m sure that many people saw the star but evidently the magi were the only ones to believe it was in the sky for a particular reason. That star was a quiet sign from God and its purpose was to lead these men to discover the Son of God.

Another time, God spoke quietly is recorded in I Kings 19:12: “And after the earthquake a fire; but the LORD was not in the fire: and after the fire a still small voice.” Sometimes God thunders and sometimes He speaks to us in the quiet things.

I couldn’t resist trying to take a picture of the moon this morning; this was not when it was red, but a couple of hours later. My moon pictures never turn out very well but that lovely moon was certainly worth the effort.

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