From My Heart

From My Heart

Sometimes I wonder how I got to be so blessed as to have this group of ladies in my life: Jane, Peg, Nancy, Helen, my cozy critters. They not only offer direct and helpful suggestions and insight, they are a support group like no other.

Yesterday, our critique was held in the family room in front of the fireplace because Sara and I have a puzzle going on the dining table but we enjoyed chairs that were, actually, more comfortable than those in the kitchen. Everything was helped along by mugs of coffee and cookies, of course.

Nancy’s devotional book will be released in a few months and we are all looking forward to it. She has also submitted a story and a magazine article in the past few weeks. Each year, Nancy chooses a word for the next twelve months. This year, her word is “Commit”. We would all do well to remember this,  to commit our thoughts, actions, words, and hopes to the Lord as we travel along life’s journey. As a surprise gift, she gave each of us a beautifully illustrated Grace Notes Calendar for 2015.

Helen brought four devotionals for us to enjoy and critique. One especially, seemed to be meant for me, an encouragement when I’m feeling down. She also gave each of us a book, Penned from the Heart, compiled by Marilyn Nutter. Two of Helen’s inspirational articles are in that lovely book.

Thanks, Helen and Nancy.

Peg is reading voraciously, as usual. She very much enjoys reading ebooks and likes finding cozy mysteries to download. Peg has the gift of spotting a word in a book or article that should be exchanged for a more descriptive word.

We missed Jane and hope she can be with us next time.

I, of course, shared the ups and downs that beset this writer. Barbara’s and my three Darcy and Flora cozies are offered on Amazon now for 99 cents, as are all the Pen-L books. It’s gratifying to watch their progress on Amazon. I hope that each reader enjoys them and maybe feels a little tingle reading about the narrow escapes this mother and daughter team experience. Actually, more than that, I hope each reader feels a part of the story; that her heart beats faster at the dilemmas in which these two women find themselves and experience a surprise or two.

Helen lent her copy of The Cemetery Club to a friend who read it and told Helen that once she started reading, she couldn’t put it down. Music to a writer’s ears!

Thanks to each of my readers who are buying the ebooks as well as the paperbacks. I appreciate you and from my heart to yours, I wish you the best. Happy reading!

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  1. Very good pic and article, Blanche. You are truly blessed!

  2. That’s a beautiful picture Blanche.

  3. Nancy Kay Grace says

    Thanks for sharing! Our critique group is a blessing to all of us.

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